Luscious Lemongrass

Lemongrass is a herb which is used to make a healthy and a nutritious tea. Chop the grass, put in the water, bring it to a boil and let it steep for 10-15 min. Or add the lemongrass chopped sticks in teapot and let it brew. India is the biggest producer of lemongrass. It isContinue reading “Luscious Lemongrass”

Botanic Beauty – Basil

Basil  is one of the members of mint family. It’s a great leafy herb that originates in Asia and Africa. The best growth of this herb is in hot and dry weather. Used for garnishing, making delicious tomato-basil soup and my personal favourite  -Pesto sauce! Chopped leaves can be sprinkled over the salads. Pro tipContinue reading “Botanic Beauty – Basil”

Calorie burning ways…

Hello everyone, today I have shared a picture which tells how to burn 100 calories in a few minutes. In our day to day busy schedule we need few minutes for ourselves. I feel these are the best ways where we can burn 100 calories. Pick any one or more however one is comfortable. IContinue reading “Calorie burning ways…”

The Six Tastes

                  What is Taste? According to dictionary, the sensation of flavour perceived  in the mouth and throat on contact with a substance. According to Ayurvedic wisdom, the sense of taste is a natural guide map towards proper Nutrition. The six tastes of food:  Sweet, Sour, Salty, Bitter,Continue reading “The Six Tastes”

Power packed Salad!

Today, I will share protein power salad! Its a mixture of red kidney beans(rajma), tomato, onion, lettuce !This salad helps to induce satiety and keeps you from mindless munching. Following are the health benefits: regulates blood sugar sustains weight loss strengthen bones Recipe : 1 1/2 cups boiled red rajma (red kidney beans) 1 choppedContinue reading “Power packed Salad!”